Gilbert was born in Lismore in 1963. he belongs to the Yaegl and Widjabul tribes of the Bundjalung Nation. Gilbert began painting in 1980s in Lismore with a group of Bundjalung men in a studio called the Chocolate factory. He worked closely with brother Oral Roberts, a close working relationship that still exists today.
Gilbert paints in a style that he has developed over the years of working called “Djurrumbil” the diamond style. His paintings reflect the energy that surrounds the animals and sea creatures that he paints. His use of concentric lines is a style that comes naturally to him.
Gilbert is currently the director of the Nimbin Aboriginal Cultural Centre in Nimbin. He is teacher and mentor. He works for the North Coast National each year running the Aboriginal Art Space. Gilbert is passionate about his culture and is often asked to perform the the fire ceremony that his grandfather taught him.
Gilbert has appeared in many group exhibition. He was the winner of the peoples choice award in the National Parks and Wildlife Indigenous art awards in 2005 and 2006. He is a not only a fine artists but also a musician and a strong cultural man.